À propos

Notre client est un cabinet d'expertise comptable et de conseil localisé à Agen. 

Dans le cadre de l'anticipation d'un départ en retraite, l'associé recherche un Expert-comptable mémorialiste ou Diplômé.

Descriptif du poste

We are currently looking for a Sales Representative to assist you in the development of the BIC, BNC, SCI, and SMEs. 

As the firm is positioned on value-added services, your role is to assist your customers on their tax issues, by providing them with personalized advice. 

Also, you are in charge of the management and the management of the teams.

Holding a DEC or currently a memorial accountant, you have at least 5 years' experience in the office. Also, you will have the opportunity to participate in the development and implementation of an international accounting program. 

Job openings as soon as possible. 

The confidentiality of your application is ensured. 

Remuneration: € 45000 - € 55000 year

Fonctions: Expert comptable

Location: Agen, France

City: Agen

Country: France

Region: agen